Today I accepted an offer to work as a character animator for game play and cinematics for Ignition Entertainment out in Gainesville Florida. I am really excited to begin work there, very nervous and hope that I do not let them down. There is a lot of talent in this studio which can be very scary! But I am gonna give it my all. I would say I am gonna miss Texas, but that just would'nt be true. LOL
Awesome man.
I am in N tampa, like 1 hr from there.
Saw a posting for an animator on there - congrats.
Maybe once my stuff gets a little better I can apply there and we can be newbs together!
Matt -
Hey jessormatt, thanks for the comment on my blog! Yea I am really nervous about starting the new job, I have never really animated for video games before so I am pretty nervous! But Hopefully I will do well, and hopefully I will like Gainesville. :)
Say what--didn't you animate a little fella named Mr Monopo, wait, I can't say it with a straight face. :) Congrats big man, and so long to Texas! Good luck, and don't get intimidated: you gots the right stuff, yo.
Oh Snap! Take that Texas! Congratulations Homey! I'm sure you'll do an awesome job.
wha,...wha happened to Texas? Well,..best of luck !!Like the new blog sir.Good stuffs.
Congrats man...
Get the hell out of Texas.
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