Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Afronaut Render

This was a fun thanksgiving weekend, I rented tons of dvds, season 2 of Weeds was phenomonal! I ate with a co-workers family and had a great time. And I made this bad boy image of none other then the Afronaut,flying on his Hover Afro Pick fighting in the deep ghettos of space! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it!


robi pena said...

hi don!

fantastic stuff in your blog!
i like your characters and paintings!!


Dustin Foust said...

LOL this character is great. I also like the music choice. Zapp and Roger are the shizzzz. O and I really like the Dirk (Mavs) animation. Great stuff!

Jeff Harter said...

This is great.