I added the final to this post. Not really happy with it but its late night fun.
Have you ever recieved threats from collectors or owed a loan? It feels like they got you by the balls for life, and you know what? They do, but I have the gift of art and the gift of a funny sense of humor, so THis alfalfa looking dude is my alter ego, a crazed looney that does nothing but go forth and detroys creditors, loan officers, student loan companies, banks, why does he go forth and do these killings? Its for the kids. ;) ALl kidding aside I think I will take one more pass at this before I can fully call it done.
this is soooooo awesome man!!!
Now thats what I like to see! Lookin good Don!
awesome picture man, I love your style.
Ha Ha I know how you feel! This piece is turning out awesome!
Nice. Very cool and creepy.
yo Don, Spent some time this evening going through blogs and gotta say I enjoyed reading some of the really candid, from the heart posts. Also, I know its an older post, but I dig Afroman. And think that your idea for the short sounds like it could be really good. I think we crossed paths briefly 'rockin the slots' back in the day. Found your blog through some other animator friends.
Great stuff here.
Nice!!! Very cool!!!
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