Monday, July 17, 2006


I havent been this poor since college, but I guess the good thing is I cant afford to go out to lunch so I have to eat my shitty lunch in my cube, which gives me a little extra drawing time. So I did these today.


Unknown said...

nice drawings!

PEPE said...

I see much progress in you work my friend!! poverty my a$$, you must be partying something fierce!!
ps. what the heck is that last guy doing?? looks like he's spanking his monkey!!hehehehe!!

Art of Don Dixon said...

How else is he gonna get out the magic sperm. And yes i have gone crazy with the partying, so much in fact that i really have to step back and start cutting out the extra things that i dont need, like toliet paper,...LOL oh wait a second LOL

Bruce Glidewell said...

Nice dawings man, I love the bottom 2.

K.B. said...

Love the girl. Ultra sexy.