Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Updated Version


Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

loving the designs and the animation is great

James Dylan said...

Thanks for posting this on AN, really like your work!

Dan Segarra said...

Hey Don. I like the choices you made in this piece man. Very mellow dialogue calls for mellow actions. I think you hit them well. I suggest keeping his head down though because his head up and to the sky is reading and looking toward hopes for the future. To me the situation and dialogue reads as if he should be remembering this man's life in the past... when he was busy living or dying. That's my crit. Nice work man. I'm gonna' send you the line of code so you can display your animation directly on your blog without having to click on a link. Talk to u later man! ;)

Art of Don Dixon said...

Thanks alot Dan! Good observations, I guess for me my thinking was that the character is speaking to 3 people, himself, the tombstone, and God, The looking up is to accent the idea of reflection,or pondering. Very Challenging things to convey especially when I am tryin to keep the actions simple and to the point. But You have along with many given me things to think about. And yea that code will be nice dude!! :)
Thanks everyone!