Friday, October 28, 2005


Had some free time today so I decided to play with some color, just the head.

4 comments: said...

Dixon you painted to him look coollllllllllllllllllll :).. more free time to Don :P.. Well this one is my last comment for today :)

Anonymous said...

I'd actually like to see him in some cool tones!
He'd feel more dark and mysterious.

How about a sexy women with him for some chubbie action?


Art of Don Dixon said...

Thanks Virginia!

Sam, naughtgy little girl, I am not peverted like that and could not possibly draw a sexy woman for this guy for some chubbie who am I kidding, sexy lady drawing coming right up! I could use a model LOL.

Jav said...

Nice Don...
I like this one a ton more in color...
It really gives a kick...
Keep on keepin on brotha!